Alan Morley - Support Coordination - Choice and Control. SCCC.
Charter and Welcome Kit
Charter and Welcome Kit
- SCCC has a vision to support NDIS participants in a person centred and individualised way regardless of any issues of diversity. We ensure that participants exercise choice and control of their service support in order to maximise their social and economic participation and to develop their capacity to live life to the full.
- SCCC is a small, independent, secular provider of NDIS Support Coordination services offering personalised assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transition and supports - or support coordination. SCCC does not manage a participant's personal goods, monies or medication. However, if a particiant has concerns about SCCC's management in these areas, they should utilise SCCC's relevant complaints process.
- SCCC has the capacity to interpret this Charter to people who are deaf and blind through tactile interpretation. Alternative language, interpretation and translation options will be made available to participants where required, through TIS National 1300 132 621 or [email protected] for example.
- SCCC will offer participants access to advocacy support should the participant express the need for support when dealing with SCCC or other services. This will include SUFY (3255 3638 or [email protected]) for example.
- SCCC will support participants to develop goals which reflect their individual identity, including, but not limited to their gender, sexuality, culture, age and religious beliefs for example.
- When SCCC does not have the capacity to support a participant, SCCC can refer the participant to alternative services which meet the participant’s individual requirements.
- SCCC will operate within an environment of legal requirements, individual empowerment, individual choice and control, participation, individual rights, confidentiality and privacy, access to information and capacity development.
- This empowered environment will be applied to continuous improvement opportunities through seeking feedback and through annual planning and reporting processes. All SCCC reports generated by SCCC will be endorsed by the participant before submission to the NDIS.
- Within its capacity, SCCC will negotiate with participants should they wish to transfer from a current Support Coordination service provider, or should they wish to leave SCCC to transfer to an alternative provider. See SCCC’s Access Policy which articulates that participants will be supported in this decision with no retribution and in a seamless manner.
- If a participant has concerns with SCCC’s services, a complaint can be lodged in person or in writing to Alan Morley on 0416 088145 or at [email protected]. Participants should also contact the National Disability Insurance Agency's Quality and Safeguards Commission on 1800 035 544 or on [email protected].
- Participants must feel free to raise complaints or concerns within a culture of no retribution.
- A complaint is described as an expression of dissatisfaction with a service, a response or any other issue within the ambit of SCCC.
- A complaint will be considered by SCCC initially within three business days.
- If a complaint is appropriate for SCCC to resolve, SCCC will commit to engaging with the complainant to secure a resolution within an additional ten business days.
- If a solution is not achieved within these additional ten business days, an extension of five business days will be negotiated, until a satisfactory solution is achieved.
- A complainant will be informed of the outcome of their complaint and the way in which it has contributed to continuous improvement of the service.
- If the complaint is more appropriate for referral to an external agency such as the police service (13 44 44) or the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG), on 1300 653 187 or [email protected] a referral will be made by SCCC within the first three days of referral to SCCC. The complainant will be informed about the referral process.
- Under the SCCC Confidentiality and Privacy policy, participants will be able to access their information held by SCCC by contacting Alan Morley personally, by phone, email, letter or any other means. Participants will be able to seek correction of any incorrect information.
- If SCCC becomes aware of any illegal activity, including abuse and neglect in any form being perpetrated by a person or an agency against a participant, SCCC will immediately report this activity to the relevant agency, such as the police service or the OPG.
- SCCC will apply a suite of policies, procedures and registers to ensure that Participants are well informed about their rights, obligations and services. All Policies, procedures, registers and records will be stored electronically with password protection and will be available to all participants.